6 Tips for Moving with Pets

6 Tips for Moving with Pets

Moving can be a whirlwind of emotions — excitement, anticipation, and, yes, a bit of stress. When you add pets into the mix, it can feel like you’ve got an extra layer of complexity. Our pets, after all, rely on stability and routine. Introducing them suddenly to boxes, unfamiliar environments, and a new home can leave them feeling confused and anxious.

However, with the right approach, you can make the transition a seamless experience for both you and your beloved animal companions. Whether you’re relocating across town or embarking on a cross-country adventure, there are several ways to ensure your pets feel safe and loved throughout the moving process.

Pay a Visit to the Vet

Before the moving day arrives, schedule an appointment with your vet. This is your opportunity to address any concerns and ensure your pet is healthy enough to handle the change. Your veterinarian can provide valuable advice on keeping your pets calm during the move and may recommend calming aids, such as pheromone sprays, anxiety wraps, or even medication if needed.

If you’re moving far away, don’t leave the vet’s office without asking for referrals for a new veterinarian in your new area. Having this information ready will give you peace of mind, knowing that you’ll have immediate access to medical care once you arrive. Also, collect copies of your pet’s medical records and make sure vaccinations and treatments are current.

Pack a Pet Essentials Bag

As your moving day draws closer, don’t forget to pack a bag of essentials for your pet. Much like you’d pack an overnight bag for yourself, having your pet’s key items at hand will make your life infinitely easier.

Think of it as your "survival kit" for the first few days in your new home. Include enough food and water for a few days, their food and water bowls, any medications they need, and familiar items like their bed, blanket, and favorite toys.

Having all these items in one easily accessible place means you won’t have to dig through boxes looking for your pet’s things while juggling the rest of the unpacking process. Plus, familiar objects will provide much-needed comfort to your pet during this time of change.

Traveling with Your Pet

Whether you’re driving across town or flying across the country, the way you travel with your pet can make all the difference in how well they handle the move.

If you’re driving, ensure your pet is comfortable in the car. Take them on short trips leading up to moving day to help them acclimate if they’re not used to being in the car for long periods. Bring plenty of water, treats, and their favorite toys for the trip, and make frequent stops to give them a chance to stretch their legs.

More preparation is required for long-distance moves, especially if you're flying. Check your airline’s rules on pet travel well in advance. Some airlines allow small pets in the cabin, while larger pets may need to travel in the cargo hold. Make sure your pet's carrier is approved by the airline, and have your pet’s health records, including vaccination proof, ready in case they are requested.

No matter how you’re traveling, make sure your pet has identification, like a collar with tags and, if possible, a microchip. In the chaos of moving, pets can sometimes get lost or confused, so having these forms of identification will increase the chances of a quick reunion if they wander off.

Keep Things Predictable

Pets thrive on routine. A sudden upheaval in their daily schedule can cause them to feel unsettled. While you may be knee-deep in packing boxes, try to maintain your pet’s regular routine as much as possible. Stick to feeding them at the expected time, taking them for walks as you typically would, and carving out time for play.

On moving day, the best way to minimize stress is to find a quiet room or space where your pet can stay while movers come and go. Set up their bed, toys, and food in this room so that they have a comfortable, familiar space. By keeping to their usual routine as much as possible, your pet will feel more comfortable during the transition.

Create a Cozy Space in Your New Home

A new home means new surroundings — and for pets, this can be overwhelming. Once you arrive at your new home, one of the first things you should do is set up your pet’s area. Make sure their bed, food, and favorite toys are ready for them. This will give them a sense of normalcy in an otherwise unfamiliar environment.

Familiarity is key, so fill this space with items that remind them of their old home. Whether it’s a quiet room, a cozy corner, or their favorite bed in a familiar spot, giving them a designated area to retreat to can ease their anxiety. A well-loved blanket, their bed, and a few toys will help comfort them and signal that this new place is safe. Be sure to spend time with your pet in this area, giving them affection and reassurance.

Allow your pet to explore the new house at their own pace, starting with the safe space you’ve created for them. Gradually introduce them to other rooms, but don’t rush the process. Letting them adjust slowly will help them feel more comfortable in their new environment.

Gradually Introduce Your Pet to the New Neighborhood

For dogs, start with short walks around the block to familiarize them with the area’s smells and sights. Increase the distance as they become more comfortable. Cats, on the other hand, are more territorial and may take longer to adjust. Start by confining them to one room with all their essentials before slowly allowing them to explore other parts of the house. Keep doors and windows closed at first to avoid any accidental escapes.

Give your pet plenty of time to adapt at their own pace. Some may settle in right away, while others might take a few weeks. Patience and positive reinforcement will help them feel at home in no time.

Remember, the key to a successful move with pets is patience, consistency, and plenty of affection. With the right approach, your pets will soon be as excited about their new home as you are.

Connect with Kim Meyer today to get started on the journey in Charleston, SC, real estate.

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Kim still has the same passion for the Lowcountry that she had when she first arrived and loves to share that with a great enthusiasm with her clients who have now become dear friends. Charleston is a special place and Kim is always honored to share and educate those who want to call it home.

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